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Dreams Matter

Dreams Matter

Let’s share our dreams together

We cannot forget to be vulnerable and in love

Please, God, let us not forget

Or we’ll dry up and fade like memories -

The ones you’re not sure if they’re real or imagined -

So long out of reach they are on the distant shore

of another life and we are somewhere else.

I want us to love

It’s easy to be hurt and so many are

Rolling in pain but never touching its truth which is

Love’s call and nothing less than the Golden Doorway

Where do we go from here?

Down is the only direction to the soul

I, holding your hand, our other hand at our heart

Lighting the way and taking turns - encouraging,

coaxing the child when one of us feels scared

Are we strangers to one another?


I had a vision-like knowing of our many-storied past

We have known each other long and deep

Hurt and desire, love and sorrow, through the wheel of time

And now we meet once more to try at love again

I’m sorry if I hurt you

Through lifetimes of treading dark waters with no light or raft

I was sinking, not knowing it was safe

So I caused you harm

Maybe I even called it “love” in that life

And love was certainly there, ready for us, always

Please forgive me

We have both paid more than we owe

It’s time to start collecting our delicate threads back in

I’ll help you fill your basket and you can help me too

We’ll take our time and share our stories, our songs

as we work

Dreams matter

You matter to me

And I don’t want to hide from you

I want to see you and know you

All of you

I’ll be gentle and kind and honest

I promise

I’ll be like a lone white cloth on the drying line in the sun

If you stand barefoot on the cool green evening grass, you’ll see

When you look at me straight on, the sun shines right through

The breeze will blow your beautiful blonde hair

And you’ll finally know you are at home

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